Sacraments Policy at Catholic House
The Eucharist and Reconciliation are the ordinary sacraments administered by the weekly chaplains / priests-in-residence at Catholic House.
Catholic House has a small chapel for private prayer or for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Weddings and funerals are not permitted by Chautauqua Institution during the nine-week summer program season, but the local parishes, in particular St. Mary of Lourdes in Mayville/Bemus Point, are happy to celebrate with and support families.
It is not the usual practice of Catholic House to provide for the Sacrament of Baptism during the nine-week summer program season or at other times. Catholic House does not have sufficient space, an appropriate chapel, font, oils, paschal candle, ritual book, etc. for the celebration of baptism.
If a baptism is requested, the following are required and should be coordinated by St. Mary of Lourdes, Mayville/Bemus Point, where the sacrament will be recorded:
The request must come from a Chautauqua Catholic Community (CCC) member.*
There must be a founded hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic religion. Parental consent must be obtained, and ideally both parents will contribute to raising the child in the faith.
The pastor of St. Mary of Lourdes must grant permission.
Written permission of the home pastor (parish where the parents of the child are registered) must be obtained.
Scheduling must be coordinated with the President of Catholic House or a representative so as not to conflict with any scheduled Catholic activities or significant Chautauqua event.​
The Catholic House does not provide for baptismal preparation programs for parents or godparents. Pre-baptismal formation must be arranged through the home parish of the parents or St. Mary of Lourdes.
The CCC member or parents of the child must seek a priest or deacon to preside.
A Letter of Suitability must be obtained if the priest or deacon is outside the Buffalo Diocese (copies must be sent to the Chancellor of the Diocese and the Pastor of Saint Mary of Lourdes).
Permission of the Rector or Sacristan of Episcopal Chapel of the Good Shepherd must be arranged. This is an appropriate sacred space with a font and paschal candle. A fee is involved.
Documentation of the baptism is kept in the registry of St. Mary of Lourdes Parish, Bemis Point, NY.
*A Chautauqua Catholic Community member is a person who has a residence on the grounds, attends Mass regularly, and/or participates in the Catholic life of Chautauqua (ministry, volunteer, service, time, talent, treasure).